The Five Words That Means Alot To Me
That Are The Center Of My Whole Life
that shine softly through every smile .. that fall gently with every rain drop
washing sadness away .. that is reflected with the silver rays of the moon on the colored wings of roses
that is born with every new sun rise .. that fly with birds between the arms of the wide blue sky .. that glow like ocean waves ,, and carry hope with every breeze
that carry your dreams up to the stars and make all your wishes come true ..
that kiss you goodnight and watch over you till morning .. angel that is so great and strong like mountains , yet so soft and pure like a whisper
that hold you close through your cold nights , keeping you safe and warm ..
that makes your heart beat like it never did before .. that light your way through the darkness of this world , and makes every day worth living for
that makes you who you are .. that forever remain , never lost no matter how time change .. memories that keep your beautiful moments alive through ages .. those memories that take your hand and be your guide through all your way till the end